Passport Details
Name: Shinju Maeda [真珠 前田]
Birthday: June 13, 1993
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Kyoto
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Character Details
Occupation: Physical Therapist & instructor at the Maeda dojo
Self-disciplined and reserved, these are the two foremost characteristics about Shinju Maeda. The young heiress of the Maeda clan was brought up in a strict environment that has shaped who she is today. A slave to routine and habit, a traditional and loyal follower of schedules and a stickler to plans, Shinju isn't one to quickly abandon anything once she sees through it, which can make her quite single-minded as well.
However, though obedient and bound to filial piety there is unrest within Shinju. A dreamer who wants to reject the traditionalism that marks her family, a realist who wants to fight against the roles that are forced upon her. A child who just wants to soar above the skies and touch the stars, but who is afraid of leaving the ground in fear for losing her path and place.
Shinju works on principalities, her moralities set clearly, her definitions clearly defined. There is little that can sway her, which can make her seem obstinate and stubborn. However, she is also a pacifist at heart, knowing the weight of the sword and the responsibility that comes with the power to protect and defend. Shinju will always, if possible, choose the path where violence isn't needed, even if it means compromising herself. This can make her self-sacrificial to a fault, as she will swallow herself whole if she believes that this will maintain peace, thus denying her own character.
Background Details
The heiress of the Maeda dojo, and a physical therapist. Shinju Maeda was born into a proud lineage that still maintains and respects the old customs of the way of the samurais. Though the class system has long since been abolished her clan and family has somehow survived the revolutions and time, though having lost their ranks by turning themselves into teachers and instructors, turning their heritage into a business venture.
The Maeda claim themselves to be descendants of the infamous Toshimasu Maeda, also known as Keiji Maeda. Though lines are hard to trace back so far into time, it is one of their largest selling points next to the established dojo that has cultivated its own reputation for its authenticity and quality of their trainings.
The Maeda family is known for its strict internal hierarchy, insistent on continuing and persevering their family business and lineage. That they have the wealth to back up the attitude also makes it sometimes a stifling temperament within the family-politics, which can run deep and complicated, especially with the older generations, who are disapproving of the thought of a female inheriting the family legacy.
There are a lot of expectations and responsibilities resting upon Shinju's shoulders, with her foremost duty being to continue the family heirloom. Now that her parents have failed to produce a male heir it is up to Shinju to become a future matriarch, a role to which she is struggling to reconcile with alongside of her own wishes and dreams.